Митрополит Антоний Сурожский

The Nativity of Christ

January 7, 2001
Theme: Christ, The Incarnation, The feasts of the Church   Place: London Parish   Period: 2001-2003   Genre: Sermon

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

At the Nativity of Christ we rejoice always at the thought that God, who was so far away from us, who was almost alien, the great, almighty one has become one of us. But we forget very often that in becoming one of us He paid a heavy price for His love, for His desire to give us a new life; because He was born into this world the Immortal, in order that, having put on our humanity He could die our human death, and have united in Him the divinity and the humanity that could save us from death, an eternal death, and grant to us life eternal.

And, therefore, let us today accept His love and respond to it not only with our heart but with all our life; be worthy of such a love, such gift of self.

If one of us gives his life for anyone, we try not only to remember the person but to be worthy of this sacrifice. The Nativity of Christ is the beginning of His way to Calvary. Let us not forget this, and let us be worthy of the love that it expresses. Amen.


Published: Newsletter № 348, 2001 January/February

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