Митрополит Антоний Сурожский


April 18, 1993
Theme: Role of Laity, The Church and the world, Human values   Place: London Parish   Period: 1991-1995   Genre: Talk

We are keeping today the Resurrection of Christ which is a victory of God over death but also over Evil. But this victory is not won by God alone. When God, the Son of God became man it is in His humanity *His divine * that He overcame Evil. And so let us rejoice not only in the love of God, in the mercy of God, in the greatness of God, in His generosity but let us rejoice also in the fact that we human beings are capable on uniting with God in such a way, in such a manner that in and through us Evil maybe destroyed. Not only our private sin, not only our weakness but the Evil One, the one that is a tempter, the one that tried in the wilderness to overcome the divine through the human. Let us be grateful to God for His victory but let us rejoice in that in vastness(?) and the infinite possibilities of our humanity. But if this be true (?) let us remember that a victory won by Christ in our humanity is also a call for us. Because Christ is risen but the risen Christ still wears on His body the marks of His passion. His hands are still wounded with nails, His feet are still pierced with them, His side is still knocked by the spear, His forehead is still wounded by the crown of thorns. And they will never be healed until there is one sinner on Earth. And this sinner may be me, it may be each of us. Let us then take the victory of God and the prize to Him in earnest (?). Let us realize what it means that I am in a position to let Christ crucified and was in this. I’m maybe among those who did crucified and are crucifying Him if I joined the crowd of those who ** for it * sin against God. And I maybe in a very ** ** upon which He is ** because in baptism, through baptism we have become, all of us, living members of the body of Christ. And when we submit this body, this soul, this mind, this heart, this will to the part of Satan it is Christ Whom we make again a sufferer on Earth. But there is more to it. Our vocation is to be on Earth because we are Christ owed what He has been in the days of His incarnation. We are sent into the world to won by His part, with Him to victory which ahead already won but which must be won day in day out over ourselves and over all evil that possesses those people whom He came to safe. We are sent like sheep among the wolves was sent to live and to die if necessary for others to live and to enter life eternal. Let us therefore take this Feast of the Resurrection as a sign of the victory that is already won and ***all those not only in this church and in this country but in the vastness of Russia listen to our service.


Я хочу обратиться к вам теперь и со своим словом. Христос воскрес! Он победил. Но победил не только Бог в нем, через воплощение. Бог свое человечество, наше человечество употребил и удостоил в этой борьбе. Каждый из нас является частицей тела Христова. Каждый из нас призван наподобие Христу участвовать во спасении мира и в победе над злом. Пока есть один грешник на Земле, Христово тело отмечено ранами Его распятия: гвоздьми, которые пробили руки, пробили Его ноги, раны на челе, раны в боку. Пока есть один грешник на Земле, Христос является как бы распятым Сыном Божьим, ставшим Сыном человеческим. А нас он призывает войти в Его труд. Он призывает нас, подобно Ему, выйти в единоборчество со злом, со злом, которое в нас, мы должны победить. Но мы должны бороться так же любовью со злом, которое вокруг нас естьо злом. ыйти в единоборчество   в единоборчество ыммечено ранами Его распятия. , и коллективным, и личным злом. Поэтому будем очищать себя, освящать себя с тем, чтобы победа Христова, одержанная раз и навсегда, распространилась бы как пожар, как свет, как радость, как жизнь во всем мире. Аминь.

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