Holy Thursday, Readings of the Twelve Gospels

3 April 1980
Theme: Christ, Love   Place: London Parish   Period: 1976-1980   Genre: Sermon

We have been in the course of three hours confronted with the Passion of the Lord, with His love so great that He gave His life for us. The Cross is before us; let us be very quiet, come and venerate it, and then go home, without noise, without inner disturbance, keeping in our hearts both the greatness of the tragedy and the immeasurable greatness of love, which it speaks about: There is no greater love than to give one’s life for one’s friend: Christ has given His life for us, we are H i s friends, He has accepted us as such: let us, therefore, vene­rate the Cross and take with us the peace which God gives us from the grave and from His Resurrection.


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