14 March 2022
7 pm Moscow time
The salt of the earth
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh Spiriual Heritage Foundation and Alexander Solzhenitsyn Centre for Studies of Russia Abroad
Event dedicated to the memory of archpriest Michael Fortounatto - choirmaster, theologian, composer, teacher; and Costa Carras - the chair of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh Foundation, founder and president the Greek environmental organization Elliniki Etairia; Vice-President of Europa Nostra, co-chairman of the British Council of Churches' Commission on Trinitarian Doctrine. Costa served on the Assembly of the Diocese of Sourozh under Metropolitan Anthony. To watch, please, go to link https://rutube.ru/video/1b4a9ff59714115dea5f7e03af773ce6/  In detail
19 February 2022
Archpriest Michael Fortounato fell asleep in the Lord
Archpriest Michael Fortounato, metropolitan Anthony's co-celebrant, cathedral choirmaster, composer, teacher, author of numerous papers and talks on the liturgical trandition of the Russian Orthodox Church fell asleep in the Lord, February 19. Memory eternal! In order to watch the funeral service, please, follow the link https://www.facebook.com/lettreVicariat/videos/480628156952303.  In detail
4 August 2021
7 pm (Moscow time)
In memory of metropolitan Anthony
Online meeting dedicated to the memory of Metropolitan Anthony
In order to watch an online meeting dedicated to the memory of metropolitan Anthony in English, please, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVCzAU3GduU
  In detail
31 May 2021
7 pm (Moscow time)
Crises and our life in Christ
Online seminar of the legacy of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
Crises are events that often question all our past. At 1990 Sourozh Diocesan conference Andrew Sherwood, one of the speakers of the current seminar, pointed out that a crisis can be looked at not only as judgement but as an opportunity. It that so? If Christ is really present in our life, how that affects our attitude to crises we face?

To watch the seminar, please go to the link on the YouTube channel of the Friends of the Foundation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goI_M73Mrio  In detail